MYTHBUSTING Outlook IS NOT better than Lotus Notes, pt 9: the grass isn’t always greener
Mat Newman July 7 2012 08:04:20
Sometimes you hear of people complaining about all sorts of things to do with Lotus Notes, often lamenting how they would prefer to be using Outlook. To balance the story, here's a sample from twitter of the things Outlook users are saying:...outlook is still compacting my PST... almost an hour without email... all hope is fading here.. what can I do...

#Please wait while #Microsoft Outlook exits. #ff
"It's like a horror movie, every time I check my email." - My experience with Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011
There's nothing like the time outs on Microsoft products like OUTLOOK. Makes it tough to get work done.
"Microsoft Outlook is the best email application out there" is a thing I would say if I had gone COMPLETELY INSANE.
What better way to spend a Friday afternoon than staring at an unresponsive microsoft outlook. #FF My Life
Amazing that we just found footprint of Higgs boson, but MicrosoftOutlook still pukes all over itself when it encounters an extra comma
My outlook freezes, on average, 5 times per day. How can it be that hard to make an email client that works, ey? #Microsoft
Stupid Microsoft Outlook! Stop telling me my surname is spelt wrong! It's not meant to be Sandy's... -____-
Can it please be noted that Microsoft Outlook is the spawn of Satan
I just delivered the most withering "Fuuuuuuuck YOOOUUUUUUU" to my Microsoft Outlook 2010 scheduling wizard.
Got to love Microsoft. Outlook has been up and down all day. I just want one day where all the programs I use will work properly.
Isn't it a little insane that Microsoft Outlook has NO SOCIAL MEDIA integration within your CONTACTS file? What year are we in again?
I have absolutely had it with Microsoft. Outlook 2010 doesn't work. The search doesn't work!!!!
Microsoft really think I would call for the 29th time about my Outlook 2010 search problem if I didn't have a legit Outlook 2010?
Where I imagine Outlook error reports go at Microsoft
Microsoft Outlook is blowingggg me right now!
Designing newsletters would be so much easier if no one used Microsoft Outlook.
So be careful what you wish for, the grass isn't always greener!