UKLug 2012
Mat Newman September 30 2012 10:08:09
A couple of notes about UKLug 2012. Once again, an outstanding conference run by Warren Elsmore and his team of champions. Smooth, well organised, a great agenda and an amazing social evening for the participants.As with all of the events I've attended in the past couple of years, this was as much a gathering of 'family' as it was a technical event. The friendships formed with like-minded individuals underscores the strong feeling of community felt by those involved with the IBM technology that we work with.
The legends of the community were there in force, too many names to mention, with some of the stand-out sessions of the conference presented by IBMers Uffe Sorensen and Susan Bullock. Uffe opened the conference with a fantastic keynote concentrating on the 'heritage' collaborative software within IBM (Notably: Lotus Notes) and how it fits within the IBM strategy moving forward. Susan's session Evangelize the portfolio, get free stuff from IBM and be the change was an honest and insightful moment from the conference that resonated with the attendees.
Warren opened and closed the conference with his usual casual, understated manner, "Welcome to UKLug 2012" was met with a rousing chorus of cheers and an ovation from the audience.
Warren welcoming the attendees:

The Social evening was well attended, and again speed-sponsoring was a great way to start the night off with attendees having the ability to hear the latest and greatest offerings from the sponsors in a manic, fun-filled hour:
Speed Sponsoring at UKLug

And the surprise of the evening, Teamstudio's social party with the special guests being a Dalek and the Tardis, which all of the attendees scrambling for photos with the guest stars. The quiz had some fantastic moments, and the winners obviously made good use of smart phone technology to win (although the name of my Monkey stumped some ;-) )
Stars of the social evening, 'Quizmaster' Tony - Fez's are cool - Holder with the Dalek

Late on the second day I presented my session, "Lotus Notes: Yeah Baby Yeah!", and in a twist for the Yellow Man, attempted to underpin the mix of 'Austin Powers' and IBM Collaboration Solutions references with an IBM blue ruffled shirt.
THAT Shirt:

Thanks so much Tony Holder for organising it for me, although being a lovely blend of thick polyester - which had me overheating within a few minutes - I don't think I will be in any hurry to don it again.
And thanks again for all of the positive comments on my session folks!
And THANKS to my Stars: Abigail Roberts as Felicity, Matt White as Dr Evil (there's the twist 'good' Matt playing Dr Evil :-) ) and Bill Buchan as Fat Bastard!
Thanks to everyone who organised, supported, presented at and attended UKLug 2012. If you work with IBM Collaboration Solutions software and have not yet made it to UKLug or Ilug, you are missing a very special event.