Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Mat Newman  June 18 2013 16:31:44
The following demonstration steps through installing and configuring the new IBM ODBC driver for Notes/Domino 9 (formerly Notes SQL driver).

This demonstration utilises Microsoft Windows 8 as the Operating System and OpenOffice to test the configured connection.



1Ravi  06/19/2013 0:20:09  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Where can we download IBM ODBC driver for Notes/Domino 9? It is not available on the regular NotesSQL page.

2Ravi  06/19/2013 0:36:06  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

found it. Need to click the "IBM Lotus Notes SQL Driver" on

3Rob Novak  06/20/2013 8:09:02  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

That installer takes me back!

4JohnC  06/20/2013 18:38:29  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Great news. Now we can spend many hours trawling google again for error126 and 'Setup cannot locate a supported version' errors, before finally giving up until the next release. Oh, the days...

5David Clover  08/09/2013 19:04:38  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I want to be able to use a Domino NSF database as an ODBC source on a Domino 9 server. However, the example above seems to refer to a Windows 8 client machine running a Notes client. So I'm slightly confused! Can this be clarified? I want to use a Domino database on a server as a potential SQL source for other systems. Is this the correct installation pack for that purpose?


David Clover

IT Development Manager

MCT Faculty

The Open University

Milton Keynes, UK

6Jon Mitchell  08/22/2013 5:49:54  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Has anyone been able to get the 64 bit driver to work? Since there isn't a 64 bit Notes client available we have tried installing the 64 bit Domino server. But the driver still will not work. Can someone point us in the right direction please?

7Steve  09/14/2013 0:13:03  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I installed the 64 Bit version (ODBC_ND_9.0_W64_EN), but noticed the dll file names in the NotesSQL directory end with "32", as if they are compiled for 32 bit systems. The driver shows up in the 64 Bit ODBC Administrator, but I get error code 193, "Not a valid Win32 Application"...

8Richard Hogan  10/02/2013 2:23:24  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

When trying to create a new data source if you get

'The setup routines for the Lotus Notes SQL Driver (*.nsf) ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 126'

one thing to check is that you didn't put a space in the Path env variable before the path to your notes.ini file, so ...

"c:\utilities;C:\Program Files\lotus\notes; C:\NotesSQL" = GOOD ...

even if there is a space before the c:\NotesSQL.


"c:\utilities; C:\Program Files\lotus\notes; C:\NotesSQL" = BAD = ... error code 126 (space after 'utilities;')

Hope it saves someone the hour it took me to nail it :-)

9Michael  10/04/2013 17:02:33  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I have the same issue as Steve with error code 193 - no joy to date with looking for a solution.

10Steve  10/08/2013 2:58:14  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

The ODBC gateway requires a 32-bit ODBC connection. Use the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator tool located in %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\odbcad32.exe to create the ODBC Data Source.

11Roy  10/14/2013 16:50:06  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I have been looking at this problem for sometime now, as anyone got a resolve that works?

12Thierry  11/21/2013 23:15:54  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

In C# if your domino server is 32bits your application must be compile in 32 bits to use the 32bits ODBC. If compiled in 64 bits the error 193 is thrown.

13fredsau  12/03/2013 21:22:31  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Great ! very usefull, but i have "wrong statement" issue by using SQL @ formulas !

e.g. "select @Left(colname, 4), ..." doesnt work !

no help found, any suggestion ?

Cheers, Fred.

144nh7i3m  02/20/2014 7:54:38  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Hi JohnC,

your error with "Setup cannot locate a supported version.." is because of conflict between version of Lotus NotesSQL and Lotus Notes Client. They must be same as stated in this article here { Link } . Which means if you have 64bit Lotus Notes client, you need 64bite Lotus NotesSQL.

15Adrian Reason  08/15/2014 17:21:36  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I suggest that you consider using the New JDBC Driver for Notes - This has gone through IBM Certification - is available now for Windows - { Link }

or ask at

16Youth Thamwong  02/06/2015 5:26:09  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

nnnn n

17vanni pancaldi  02/13/2015 2:05:11  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

GREAT INFORMATION, about path to notes 9 to insert in environment variables. Thank you so much.

18Jerry  02/13/2015 4:18:56  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

not sure if this thread is dead but...

from above:

c:\utilities;C:\Program Files\lotus\notes; C:\NotesSQL"

re - interpret:

Remove all spaces between IBM entries

Copy notes.ini to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes

And finally run:



And away it went on my machine!

So to try and explain:

On my machine, this is what suddenly worked! Data folder below has Notes.ini and my mail id file, but I placed a copy of Notes.ini into C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes (ini has paths in it anyway so in some ways its location doesn't matter.

1: Path seeting (reboot doesn't seem to be required, Windows 7 64bit Enterprise)

Add this to path variable (or equivalent for your machine ... NO SPACES after semi colon.

C:\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes;C:\NotesSQL

2: Copy Notes.ini into ;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes

3: Run setup.exe in the unzipped download of from IBM.

4: Run C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

And for me adding a new System data source worked finally!

Final words:

We use Lotus Notes version 8.5.2FP4

It is possible that other version of the ODBC file installer are needed for different Notes versions.

If at first you don't succeed, try, and try, and try, and try, and try, and try again! (if it is Notes that is! ;-) )

19Bob  03/14/2015 6:49:25  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Jerry's info (18) got me working.Many Thx!

20Francisco  04/26/2015 21:39:02  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Dear Jerry,

after YEARS looking for a solution, your explanation finally did it. Thank you very, very much. Really.

QUESTION: Why (the hell) is IBM unable to provide such a simple explanation like Jerry's?

21Paul  05/14/2015 9:26:25  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

does this IBM ODBC driver also works with the IBM Notes Browser Plug-in 9 / 9.0.1 as a stand-alone installation ?

22Wendy  06/03/2015 23:58:19  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

This article from IBM helped me a lot!

{ Link }

23Danielle  10/07/2015 8:32:12  
IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

I am trying to install ODBC Driver for Notes 9 but I am getting the error message: launchappandwait failed. What should I do? I already reinstalled lotus notes with no success.

24David Grundy  07/04/2017 3:31:20  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Hi, What ports need to be open for this?, is it just the standard ODBC 1433 port or are there Domino specific ports to allow database access/authentication etc?

25Luis N.  04/21/2018 0:53:19  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

Where can we download IBM ODBC driver for Notes/Domino 9?

I tried on but I coudn´t find it

26begh  11/08/2019 0:57:59  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)


27Craig Wiseman  11/13/2019 8:37:30  
Using the new IBM ODBC Driver for Notes-Domino 9.0 (formerly Lotus Notes SQL)

For completeness (in case anyone's googling lands them here).

HCL steps to use the IBM ODBC / NotesSQL 9 driver with Notes 10:

Mat Newman

THE Notes (formerly IBM/Lotus Notes) Guy. Productivity Guru. Evangelist. IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions, 2011/2012/2013. Former IBMer. HCLite. Views are my own.

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